The Refuge currently offers nonperishable and fresh food, along with personal hygiene products, to residents of Johnson County as well as those within 46217, 46227, 46237, 46259 zip codes, through our pantry. We also hold special seasonal events such as Thanksgiving meals and Christmas presents/shopping.
A meal is served during Tuesday morning and Thursday evening pantry. The meal can be eaten in our dining room or taken to go. These meals are prepared in the Refuge kitchen following appropriate & required protocols and procedures.
After school program offers elementary students tutoring and mentoring.
After school program called The Drop, offers elementary students tutoring and mentoring. We currently have 8 children that are coming on Monday and/or Wednesday for some intentional time with a volunteer mentor. We want to provide some one on one help with academic skills, life skills and spiritual support. We are max'd out right now due to space but it has continued to show a huge benefit to these 8 kiddo's and families.
Life skill classes are offered as needed.
A budgeting class is offered at least twice per calendar year to those looking for assistance in setting up and maintaining a budget.
Saturday homebound delivery service on the first Saturday of the month, for any individual that is not able to come to our physical location due to their health (either temporary or long term) or due to transportation (either they can’t drive or they don’t have a vehicle to drive). This is open to all Johnson County residents as well as those within the following zip codes; 46217, 46227, 46237, 46259. Sign up for homebound pantry delivery here.
Saturday Bonus pantry on the first Saturday of the month. This not a replacement but rather in addition to the regularly scheduled Tuesday and Thursday pantries. No meal will be served nor any coaching. Distribution will include a gallon of milk and a protein source. Additionally, items we have in abundance, bulk items and/or proteins will be provided as able.Hygiene items will not be included in this pantry – unless we have an abundance of a certain item. Full pantry distribution will continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday.
Plans are underway to add additional services.
Check back for details on locations and start dates for new services.
@2007 The Refuge Inc - All rights reserved